memandangkan due thesis n final exam yg semakin hampir, so saya rase eloklah berehat sekejap dari dunia blogging...hehe =p
bile semua dah selesai i will come back... :D
so, wish me luck for my final year project n final exam..... ;)


I need help..
if u own or work in a company or sometimes called enterprise, i would like you to help me in answer my survey for my Final Year Project. My survey title is "WEB 2.0 ADOPTIONS BY SME: PERCEPTION AND BARRIERS"

just click here:

In English or In Malay
Thank You for your time...

accidents-->> dystychiphobia
alone (being) or oneself or loneliness -->> autophobia
materialism -->> hylephobia
animals -->> zoophobia
men -->> androphobia
bathing -->> bathophobia
blood -->> hemaphobia
books -->> bibliophobia
cats -->> ailurophobia
flowers -->> anthophobia
ghosts -->> phasmophobia
jealousy -->> zelophobia
laughter -->> gelophobia
light -->> photophobia
marriage -->> gamophobia
medicine (taking) -->> pharmacophobia
mirrors -->> catoptrophobia
mother-in-law -->> pentheraphobia
rain -->> ombrophobia

and many more

so, which category u are??

Eagle Eye

last friday sempat tgk eagle eye...hmm..not bad..action best..walaupun tgh action baik punyer..ade diselitkan laa....
padan sgt that hero n heroin..heheh

mengisahkan 2.2 org nie yg dpt mysterious phone called...suare pompuan..dr situ bermulalah kisah hidup diorg yg mencabar utk selamatkan family..bnyk scene menarik...

for further details leh g kat official website eagle eye

Free Gift

Sape nak handbag free??????
ape jer link kat bawah..

Hye....just nak kongsi cerita kartun 3D yg amatla menarik, sampai org dewasa pun minat..
hehe..termasuklah saya... tak lain xbukan..inilah die... tadaaaa.............

untuk maklumat lanjut n kalo nak tgk crite upin n ipin kalo dah tertinggal 2..masuk je kat cnie....


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